Investigation of Corporate Sports Centers Instructors in Terms of Professional Vitality, Leader Effectiveness, Self Control and Self Management

Author Details

Filiz Nur Akin

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Published: 10 February 2020 | Article Type :


In this study, the relationships between self-control and self-control, leader effectiveness and professional vitality  levels of trainers working in corporate sports centers and sports fields were investigated using a questionnaire  method. Self-control and self-control refer to one's beliefs about performing a task and can influence the choice of  activity, effort, persistence, and success. By funding past experiences, personal qualities and social support,  people can engage in activities with varying levels of self-control and self-control. Thus, when sports trainers  work on tasks, it is extremely important to learn about how well they are performing. This knowledge affects selfcontrol and self-control for continued learning and professional vitality. Self-control and self-control affect the  competence of sports trainers and are explained by research using interventions that include models, goal setting  and feedback for these effects. Regardless of field of study in all branches, research shows that self-control and  self-control emphasize the important role played by leadership effectiveness and professional vitality. In this study, it was observed that there was no significant difference between female and male sports trainers at p  <0.05 significance level in the whole of the Leader Effectiveness Scale (LEO) of corporate sports trainers.  However, in the whole Self-Control-Self-Management Scale (X = 4.1775; t = -1.251) and the entire Occupational  Vitality Scale (MCÖ) (X = 1.7322; t = -2.205), p <0.05 significance was found in favor of male sports trainers.  There was a significant difference in the level. It is hoped that this study will serve as a guide for future research  as well as the effects of theory and research for education and training.

Keywords: Sports trainers, professional vitality, self-control and self-management, leader effectiveness.

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How to Cite


Filiz Nur Akin. (2020-02-10). "Investigation of Corporate Sports Centers Instructors in Terms of Professional Vitality, Leader Effectiveness, Self Control and Self Management." *Volume 2*, 1, 17-27